Libia - ETCN obbligatorio
- Dettagli
- Categoria: >>> Informative e news
- Pubblicato Giovedì, 01 Ottobre 2015 17:26
- Scritto da Super User
- Visite: 77103
Il nuovo obbligo imposto dal Ministero della Finanza libico per tutte le spedizioni da e per la Libia.
Per tutte le future esportazioni (b/l datate successivamente al primo ottobre), vogliate indicare anche il numero di ECTN insieme alle istruzioni polizza.
By signing the contract with Antaser International Group, the Minister of Finance and the director of Customs of the State of Libya assigned the issuance and management of the ECTN for Libya to the Antaser International Group.
For all shipments to and from Libya (all cargo in transit included), the shipper or his forwarder are required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser for validation.
Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.
The ECTN must be issued and validated at the loading port and are elemental for the import custom clearance upon arrival.
Cargoes not covered by a valid ECTN will not be cleared through the local Customs until presentation of the final ECTN and appropriate fines will be charged.
This new regulation takes effect as from October 1st 2015(date of Bill of Lading).
Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at the Antaser website or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser log in to start issuing ECTN’s for Libya.
For any further information, kindly contact us at +39 0733 645757 or